Trusted Referrals

Here’s who to call!

This directory has been created by and for our members to help you find the exact help you need, in a location that works for you.  We have your best interest in mind, so every service provider has been verified as having familiarity and experience with Chicago bungalows and vintage homes. None of these providers have paid to be on this list.  They must provide at least three member references in order to earn the listing.

CBA Collaborator  – These professionals are viewed as especially trusted experts who have worked with CBA in conducting workshops or seminars, or have partnered in giving back to the community.

Homeowner Favorite   – These professionals must have received three unsolicited recommendations from our CBA members.

Member Offer  – These professionals have something special to offer CBA members only. So be sure to mention your membership and ask about the offer.


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